Nicole, Rosa and Jonas: A Wonderfully Gay Family

We met at Little Frida’s Coffee House 14 years ago when I lived in Los Angeles for a summer… I was “straight”, 17 years old and couldn’t believe lesbians could be so HOT. I fell hard for her but she was dating someone at the time. Rosa, being 23 years old and “out” for almost 10 years, thought I was too “new” and a baby to boot. We became great friends.

Rosie, Jonas and Nicole

When I graduated Smith College, I moved to New York City. She called me and told me she wanted to come visit. It was a different kind of call… borderline phone-sex. It seemed like I was waiting for that call all my life. She got on a plane the next day and we’ve been together ever since. On her 30th birthday I moved to California. We’ve lived together for over 7 1/2 years now. We became domestic partners on 9/12/02.

In 2005 we split up for 3 months and I had a relationship with my best friend, Nick Glassman. Our child, Jonas Sonny Ehrlich was conceived during that time.

While I was pregnant, I couldn’t believe I wasn’t sharing this experience with Rosie. We tried for over two years with fertility specialists but it never worked. I couldn’t imagine raising a child without her. I wanted my child to be just like her. Most people told me that pregnancy was easy and my mom told me she felt one with nature. On the other hand, my pregnancy was cursed with morning-night sickness for 6 months and the C-section surgery was super painful to recover from… not to mention I gained 78 pounds. It was a miracle that Rosa took me back and took care of me throughout every part of this crazy experience. She held my hair when I got sick, gave me my nutrition, rubbed my limbs and kissed my belly, came with me to all my dr. appointments, stayed by my side when Jonas was born, and has been mothering him ever since. I had a surprise wedding for her during our baby shower to renew our vows… Thank god she said yes. My whole family flew in from new York and Florida to be part of it as did many of our friends. There is nothing like support. She changed her last name to Ehrlich and the day I went into labor the court approved her request.

Nicole, Jonas, Nick and Rosie

The father, an incredible man (of course), understood the situation and did and continues to do what is best for Jonas. He gave Rosa his parental rights and, not to mention, his “magic” for the rest of our children. He and his family can see Jonas anytime they want and we give all the families updates and pictures.

We are all so lucky and HAPPY!

Rosa and I work full time and our loving nanny (who is part of our family now and always will be) comes to our home during the weekdays for a few hours where our schedules overlap. Being a mother is even better and more important than I ever imagined. When I travel for work (I work in the music industry), I usually bring him with me. Rosa comes with us or lately she’s been trying to get pregnant so the nanny has been traveling in her place. Keep your fingers crossed.

Rosa and I are both big kids inside and we love to play and travel and teach. We believe in family, education and charity and will instill those values in Jonas. We always stay positive and happy, we by nature aren’t fighters - we’re both lovers and we have every reason to be… We Are Blessed!

Written with love by: Nicole Ehrlich – 6.13.06

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