Making Grace
by Ronda Gantt (aka Video Grrrl)

Starring: Ann Krsul and Leslie Sullivan
86 minutes, released in 2005
directed by Catherine Gund – unrated
The process of two lesbians wanting to be parents is the theme of “Making Grace.”
Two lesbians in a long-term relationship decide to have baby. Instead of adopting, Leslie and Ann opt for artificial insemination. This movie was touching and very sincere. I think this movie will inspire lesbian and gay couples who are contemplating having children.
The movie covers every step of the process from choosing a sperm donor, the insemination itself, the baby shower, the pregnancy and finally the birth of baby Grace. I also believe that this movie crosses sexual lines; it’s not just for gay couples, but straight couples will also enjoy this movie.
While I was watching this movie, I forgot for a moment that two lesbians are having a baby: instead it was two people who are in love and they want to have a child to share their love. Granted the moment was fleeting, but that gives hope that one day it will last longer than a moment.
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